These are the people who perform most of the ultrasound scans and liaise closely with the radiologists in the conduct and outcome of the examination. They are generally radiographers (Medical Radiation Technologists, MRTs) who have undertaken a further course of study and training in sonography (diagnostic ultrasound).
Currently our team includes Mukesh, Pam and Sue our partime sonographer, very experienced with scanning in Auckland.
The sonographer records and processes the images from the scan, makes clinical notes, and then discusses your case with the onsite supervising radiologist. In most cases, the radiologist has sufficient information to write the final report of your scan. In some cases, the radiologist may wish to examine you personally, to confirm or clarify something the sonographer is concerned about. Also, where the radiologist wishes to convey the implications of the findings or you wish to discuss your scan results, the radiologist is available to answer your questions. He or she may directly contact your doctor etc if urgent follow-up is required.